Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ahh... Laundry

Ya know... Sometimes I wonder what the day to day chores would be like if they didn't have to be done.. Like laundry.

For most, it's a simple trip to the basement or to the laundry room in your home, press a few buttons or turn a dial and wander away for about 45 mins.. I prefer to go to a laundrymat.. Well in my case Landromat (that's what the sign says anyway).

I like the advantage of doing three or four loads at the same time saving what would be an entire days worth of chore into the space of a few hours at most... That and the machine in my apartment building suck.

And then there are the people that you meet.. Oh dear.. I know that these are people from my neighbourhood but do they really need to be this.... What's the word I'm looking for... Oh yeah .. Interesting.

The majority of the time I sit outside while my clothes soak and spin then tumble themselves dry. Not that I'm avoiding my neoghbours but aside from here.. At the landromat.. I never see these colorful characters any place else.. It's like perhaps they live here.. In this land of Landromat.

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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